‘Pupils at Tavernspite School achieve EXCELLENT standards’. ESTYN, the Inspectorate for Wales

‘The quality of care, support and guidance is EXCELLENT’. ESTYN, the Inspectorate for Wales


‘The school’s commitment to using the outdoors to improve pupils’ learning and wellbeing is outstanding.’ ESTYN, the Inspectorate for Wales

‘The federation’s leadership team have a powerful vision.’ ESTYN, the Inspectorate for Wales

‘Being at Tavernspite School has been the best experience ever. Everyone is so friendly and makes you feel happy also the teaching is incredible.’ Year four pupil

green cutlery
School Dinner Menu
blue pencil
Term Dates & Holidays
yellow clipboard
Training Days & Times
red mobile phone
After School Club
light green piggybank
School Fundraising



Welcome to our school website and thank you for taking the time to find out what our school is all about. We recognise that choosing the right school for your children to attend is one of the most important decisions parents can make and we are here to help you in every way that we can.

Tavernspite School has a reputation for being one of the best schools in Pembrokeshire and beyond, enjoying enormous success over the years. Tavernspite School is ‘a Green’ school, the highest rating in the Welsh Government school categorisation model. It has been judged as ‘excellent’ and ‘sector leading’ by Estyn, the Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales and is often used to host learning visits from other education practitioners to share best practice.

Since September 2015, the school has been federated with nearby Templeton School. The leadership team run both schools and although the schools have maintained their own identities, they are managed and led in very similar ways. The federation arrangement has been very successful and we were delighted to be selected by Estyn, as a best practice case study for a successful federation.

The school has consistently demonstrated very high standards of pupils’ work, range of opportunities, behaviour and wellbeing and as a result demand for places at the school is very high.

The pupils are our greatest pride and we believe that each child is special and has talents and a unique personality to bring to the school.

Tavernspite Primary School Whitland

The children are the reason we are here and we do our utmost to make sure that their education is incredibly special, memorable and enjoyable. We are very grateful that so many families choose Tavernspite School for their children as their time is filled with great joy, learning and fun. The children are always the true stars of the school; they are great fun to be with and we feel truly blessed to be able to spend our working days with them.

Our close relationships with the parents and families is a great strength of the school. We could not achieve the success that we do without their unending support and we are very grateful to them. I am committed to making parents feel that they are very much part of school life. I really appreciate how well parents have embraced the idea, that it is their school as well as ours.

We are very blessed to have such committed and dedicated staff who always put the children first and go that extra mile on a daily basis to make sure the children have the best education. Their excellent work and wonderful pastoral support is frequently recognised and praised by visitors to our schools.

We encourage our children to be fit, strong and healthy with an enthusiasm for sport, music, the outdoors and for achieving their potential. It is a school of which I am very proud and privileged to be involved with.

In fact, everyone involved seems to be very proud of our wonderful school, the very heart of its community. We are certain that you will greatly enjoy your association with Tavernspite School and feel our pride too.

We hope you enjoy visiting our school website!


Key Dates

September 2024

Staff training day

Monday 2nd September

Children return to school after Summer holiday

Tuesday 3rd September

“Meet the Teacher” (3.30-5pm)

Tuesday 10th September

Safe Cycling for Year 6

Monday 16th to Tuesday 24th September

Individual and Siblings Photographs

Wednesday 25th September

October 2024

Harvest Festival

Thursday 3rd October

Parents’ Evenings

Monday and Tuesday 21st & 22nd October

Half Term Week

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November

November 2024

Staff Training Day

Monday 4th November

Children return to school after half term break

Tuesday 5th November

December 2024

Christmas Fair

Thursday 5th December (after school)

Christmas Concerts and Parties


Last day of Term

Friday 20th December

(The Spring Term begins for pupils on Tuesday 7th January 2025)
